☻ Featured in the "2º Ocupação Estúdio Esther", 2016, São Paulo, Brazil
☻ Featured in "30th Festival Les Instants Vidéo", 2017, Marseille, France

Livre Cilindro (Free Cylinder) is the failed try of leaving the comfort zone. It is the not-so-free-will. The enfranchisement represented as a 3 meters tall solid structure, measured from the sea level, impossible to be reached or climbed.

Livre Cilindro questions the freedom limit and the space we have to walk around it; the inevitability of living the way we do and what is beyond our view. The opportunity we have in front of us is catchy, but our needs hold us: choosing "freely" between the risky change and the solid comfort below us.

Concept, Direction and Motion Design
Lucas Blat

Sound Design
Leandro Canhete